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Nthabiseng Sebelebele: leveraging engineering expertise for innovation
Air Liquide Lead Business Developer Nthabiseng Sebelebele a Chemical Engineering graduate from Wits University, pursued a Masters Degree focusing on energy optimisation. Her passion for engineering, drivenby a fascination with science, drives her commitment to large-scale projects in the stainless steel sector. With experience in the explosives and gas industries, she now excels in strategic business development at Air Liquide, leveraging technical expertise for innovation...
Why did you decide to study engineering and what is it about the discipline that attracted you to this field of study?
I completed my undergraduate studies in Chemical Engineering at Wits University. After I graduated, I decided to continue my academic journey by pursuing a Master’s Degree, where I directed my focus towards heat integration and the optimal utilisation of energy resources. My attraction to engineering stems from my exposure to science during my school years. As I progressed into high school, I was captivated by the field of engineering, which amplifies the principles of science from laboratory experiments to large-scale applications. This transition fascinated me; from conducting small experiments to envisioning and designing vast industrial plants capable of mass production. It was the prospect of contributing to significant projects that directly impact our daily lives that truly ignited my passion for engineering.
What was the most challenging aspect of it?
University life operates at a significantly faster pace compared to high school. I have always held myself to high standards, so experiencing failure on my first university test was a jolting experience. It’s common for thee types of setbacks to affect one’s self-esteem, potentially leading to self-doubt. In such moments, it becomes imperative to believe in yourself, to rise above the challenges and to persevere with determination.
How did the first years of your career build on what you learnt during your tertiary education but in a more practical setting? What were the key lessons you’ve learnt during this time?
I was fortunate in the early years of my career to work with individuals who were highly engineering-oriented and were therefore supportive and knowledgeable. It made it easier for them to bridge the gap between my academic background and the practical applications required in our work.
Those initial years were when I found myself applying the calculations learned in university. For example, in my current role within the gas industry, understanding the dynamics of gas flow is crucial, especially in terms of identifying losses within our operations. Gas, being invisible, presents a challenge in pinpointing these losses.
However, by leveraging the principles of thermodynamics - one of the most difficult university courses - we were able to calculate the varying gas consumption rates under different conditions. This included accounting for temperature differentials during hot summer days versus cooler winter months, to estimate potential losses accurately. This exercise was instrumental in implementing cost savings.
What was your first company and your position there?
My first job was with AECI Mining, a company specialising in manufacturing explosives for the mining sector that awarded me a bursary for my tertiary studies. During my time at AECI, I engaged in various efficiency enhancement projects and continuous improvement initiatives within the plant.
In your current position, how would you describe a typical day and what it entails?
I am responsible for business development within our bulk and on-site division. My role involves spearheading the expansion of our business by identifying new opportunities and sectors for growth.
When visiting a client, I assess their needs and requirements. Subsequently, I return to the office to analyse the gathered information. I identify potential solutions from our product and service portfolio that align with a client’s needs. Crafting a compelling business case is important because the proposed solution must be financially viable for the client and our company.
Therefore, I present the proposed solution and its benefits. This includes a breakdown of costs, potential savings, and the value it brings to their business.
Collaboration ensues, with adjustments made, as necessary. My role entails extensive interaction across various sectors, with steel remaining a primary focus. Technical expertise, combined with a deep understanding of customer processes and our offerings, is key.
What is your view on the looming industrial gas crisis? How are you working to solve that problem for customers?
We don’t handle natural gas; that falls under Sasol’s domain. Our focus lies primarily on gases such as nitrogen, oxygen,and argon. While we don’t operate in the natural gas sector, we remain open to engaging with customers who utilise it, exploring ways to support their needs. However, it’s not within our current scope of work. That being said, Air Liquide is known for its innovation and proactive approach to problem solving. We continuously assess the challenges we encounter and explore potential solutions. However, at present, bridging the gap for natural gas isn’t feasible for us.
What is the most exciting project, innovation, or growth strategy that you’re working on at present and what lessons has it taught you?
In our line of work, we primarily supply air gases like nitrogen and oxygen to our customers. An innovative focus for us is diversifying how we deliver these gases. Traditionally, we’ve provided them in cylinders, similar to the gas cylinders used for LPG. We also supply our gases in bulk form (which is the liquified state of oxygen, nitrogen, etc.) using road tankers into storage tanks at customer sites. Additionally, we offer the option of constructing either small to medium plants on, or near, the customer’s premises, from which we can supply the gases directly. This approach resents an exciting opportunity, particularly for eligible customers, as it eliminates the need for gas transportation via trucks.
By reducing reliance on trucking, we not only decrease our CO2 emissions but also enhance supply reliability. This is especially significant in regions like South Africa, where protests and roadblocks are common, leading to delays in gas deliveries. Having a local plant ensures uninterrupted supply, circumventing logistical challenges associated with road disruptions.
It is important to note that this approach isn’t suitable for all customers and depends on factors such as usage volume and other considerations. However, for eligible companies, it can significantly transform their operations, offering a reliable and sustainable solution to their gas supply needs.
What do you feel are the biggest challenges facing South Africa’s stainless steel sector at present and how can these be overcome?
As South Africans, we are confronted with numerous challenges, and the most pressing one affecting everyone, whether on a large or small scale, is load shedding. For businesses in industries like steel, ensuring operational continuity amid such uncertain power conditions is key.
While government has the ultimate responsibility for ensuring sustainable power, businesses also have a role to play. Even small to medium initiatives, such as exploring solar energy options, can make a difference. At Air Liquide, for instance, we have entered into power purchase agreements in partnership with Sasol and various suppliers who will establish solar plants across the country. This not only contributes to decarbonisation but also helps alleviate the strain caused by load shedding.
However, the challenges extend beyond power issues. The sustainability of companies in South Africa, particularly in industries like steel, is crucial. ArcelorMittal, for example, cites factors like production costs and load shedding as threats to its sustainability. To remain competitive, the local manufacturing sector must address these challenges and ensure competitiveness against imports.
Why do you feel that stainless steel still has such an important role to play in growing South Africa’s economy?
I would like to reiterate the significance of the stainless steel industry, as it is deeply intertwined with various aspects of our society. From construction to medical applications and across all industries, stainless steel plays a vital role. Its collapse would pose a significant challenge for our country.
For South Africa to prosper, we rely heavily on steel in our daily lives and economic activities. Moreover, the steel industry is a substantial contributor to our GDP. It sustains livelihoods, enabling people to put food on their tables, access education, and pursue employment opportunities.
Stainless steel is an indispensable component of our nation’s prosperity. Preserving and supporting this industry is imperative for the well-being and growth of our country. We must take action to ensure its continued resilience and relevance in our society.
What do you consider as the most exciting innovations/product developments happening in stainless steel right now and what sectors hold the greatest potential for the use of stainless steel in the future e.g. aerospace?
Personally, a topic that resonates with me is decarbonisation. As a parent, I’m driven by the desire to leave behind a healthy planet for my daughter. Therefore, I am particularly passionate about companies that prioritise this agenda and seek ways to transition towards greener practices, including the concept of green steel. Ensuring that steel production becomes more environmentally friendly while remaining competitive is essential. By embracing green steel initiatives, we not only enhance competitiveness but also contribute to the larger ecosystem of our world. It’s inspiring to witness discussions and actions taking place within the steel industry in South Africa, such as the developments in Saldanha with ArcelorMittal. I’m genuinely excited about the potential impact of these initiatives. They have the power to revolutionise the steel industry and play a significant role in preserving our planet for future generations. I see green steel as not just an industrial advancement but also a crucial step towards environmental sustainability.