Advertorial : SAIW



The Southern African Institute of Welding (SAIW) is a champion of the world class skills, quality levels and productivity output that are all key  rivers of a sustainable economic growth plan. In light of this, it aims to develop its existing top quality training and increase South Africa’s welding, NDT, inspection (including certified inspectors, IPEs and CPs) and welding coordinator (including the International Welding Practitioner, Specialist and Technologist) skills base.

In line with this, the SAIW is forging a path to boost welding skills across the African continent and has signed an SLA with The African Welding  Federation (TWF) of which it is a founding member. Significant to the TWF and SAIW alliance, is a strong focus on ISO 3834 certification, which allows certification bodies to assess a manufacturer’s ability to meet customer and regulatory quality requirements in fusion welding in both  workshops and in the field, and further endorses a company’s welding employees as competent. It also boosts a manufacturer’s ability to sell its products in domestic and international markets.

This type of strategic partnership is a key part of the SAIW’s long terms growth plans with Executive Director John Tarboton reporting that 2022 will see the implementation of a bold strategy to bolster the SAIW’s practical welding school. “Many students come through our doors who have attended other training institutions but have found it difficult to embark on a rewarding and lucrative career due to the level of their skills being insufficient for local and foreign projects. This is something we rectify with our training courses and which is so essential, as certified welders, under the International Institute of Welders qualification program, have a huge role to play in rebuilding our economy.”


With this in mind, the SAIW has also launched its new-look 2022 Course Prospectus which is more user friendly and career orientated than ever before. SAIW Executive Director John Tarboton explains; “We have designed the 2022 Prospectus as a career guide rather than a course guide. In  line with this, we have made a conscious effort to simplify the write-ups on the welding section as simple and clear as possible, while still providing a full overview of the courses we offer.

“In addition, we have included a decision tree style infographic and a Career Roadmap which unpacks how courses and experience equip students for real world careers.

Overall, the Prospectus forms part of a key growth strategy for the SAIW in 2022 starting in its practical welding school. We are therefore putting a  programme together combining open days with bursary opportunities to promote awareness of the value of our NDT and IIW welding coordination programmes.”

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