Consani Tanks Penetrate World Markets

30 Years Ago

consani tankers

The Consani stainless steel tank containers ready for export

Over 800 stainless steel tank containers designed and manufactured in South Africa, are being used in the United Kingdom, the United States, France and Australia – a direct result of a successful international marketing campaign by Consani Cape Steel (Pty) Ltd.

Currently 15 tanks per week are being produced at Consani’s facility at Elsies River.  Consani has developed its own technology and draughting teams and can tackle any project, including specials.

Consani maintains a support office in Paris which supplies information on international tanker developments and designs, expedites statutory approvals, and provides after-sales service and technical support to customers.

The stainless steel tanks carry full international transport approval and can be used for transporting all liquids from reactive chemicals to edible liquids.

The tanks are mounted in self-supporting frame structures designed to give greater strength and protection to the tank.

With acknowledgement to SAFTO Exporter.
