17 April 2020

Sector Boost – Giving substance to South African Hollowware

Sassda has been monitoring the local hollowware and kitchenware (i.e. utensils and flat ware amongst others) since 1999 and there is no doubt that the capacity for total local manufacture to supply the market exists. Despite being underutilised now, it would be easy to re-activate, which will also have employment benefits given that hollowware is very labour intensive area of manufacture and it is estimated that each ton of hollowware produced represents about five jobs. With that in mind Sassda recently submitted a proposal to government as part of our activities in being involved in the Steel Master Plan.


Sector Boost – Invigorating Petroleum and Natural Gas containers

Sassda formulated a proposal for government comment which is intended to focus on supplying the South African market with stainless steel petroleum and natural gas containers for residential use. This project would investigate potential markets for feasibility, product development, skills development and black economic empowerment in terms of the localisation of portable LPG and LNG containers.


Sector Boost – Revitalising the wine tank industry

This proposal looks at the revival of the Cape Stainless Steel Equipment Cluster (CAPSEC), which was a very successful cluster in the Western Cape in the early 2000. The cluster was mainly focused on making the South African wine tank industry efficient and globally competitive and members of the original CAPSEC still report sales on items and technologies developed through the CAPSEC cluster. The aim is to revitalise CAPSEC and investigate potential markets for feasibility, product development, skills development and black economic empowerment in terms of the localisation of a variety of beverage containers.