Personality Profile



The greatest strength of the South African stainless steel sector is undoubtedly its people, who believe in the material’s ability to enhance and sustain  the South African economy no matter how onerous the challenges it faces. For this reason, our profile series focuses on stainless  professionals who embody the entrepreneurial spirit and who will shape our industry for years to come. In this issue, we speak to Wire Products  Stainless Steel Director Tanya Papadopoulos.

What was your path to forging a career in the South African stainless steel sector?

I have no formal post school degree. I started in this industry at the age of 21 and it was not long after that, my interest in this industry grew. With the help of my predecessors, I was trained in different fields throughout my years at the company. I have been with the company for over 30 years  and it is with my experience, initiative and dedication that I have succeeded in my current position. I look at this as an advantage where experience is what comes down to understanding the industry. What attracts me about this industry is that there are continuous opportunities for growth and I  look forward to seeing what other markets are explored as well as the innovation that will develop.

How and when did you then enter the stainless steel industry?

I started with Wire Products Stainless Steel in January 1990.

How did the first years of your level of experience in a real world setting? What were the key lessons you learnt during this time?

The first few years of my career were spent developing my skills in various departments. This exposed me to how things are run on a day to day, real world basis. Due to my interest in the industry and my ambition for growth, I completed a number of short courses. I always believed that one of the key elements to my success was time management, especially since I was a young mother with a family. Being a young woman and a mother in this industry can have its challenges, but I consider myself a driven person and I have overcome many obstacles and dedicated myself to my career.

How would you describe a typical day in your current position?

My day starts with a walk through the production factory, discussions with the Plant Manager, sales team, and warehouse, as well as with the  accounts department, I have a great team and tremendous support from them which makes communication and day to day functions streamlined.

Why do you feel that stainless steel has such an important role to play in getting South Africa’s economy back on track following the COVID-19  pandemic?

Stainless steel has for many years been used for its corrosion resistance and strength. Its benefits are not something new, however, the use of  stainless steel in the South African economy going forward can be very versatile. For example, the generation of power in its various forms - coal,  wind, gas, nuclear, solar, hydro or sea will require cooling stations and water flow. Stainless steel has the corrosion resistance, long life and strength needed for these types  of hard working, high pressure environments. I believe that using various sources to generate power is key to seeing the local economy recover. Water desalination plants to manufacture water from the sea is also a possibility for the future of South Africa and will require stainless steel piping and water management. There are also the mining and agriculture industries that require water management and therefore  stainless steel will have to play its role in sustaining the equipment and systems.

Other industries that rely on stainless steel include Petrochemical plants – Sasol/ Total in SADAC states, around South Africa play a huge role in South African economy, and will do, for years to come; there is also the food and beverage industry in South Africa which requires stainless steel for  its hygiene  benefits and corrosion resistance. Let’s also keep in mind that the South African geographic and topographic characteristics alone demand corrosion resistance and strength in its infrastructure.  All these various industries and developments will play an important role in assisting South Africa to recover economically and financially and stainless steel is a key part of their processes.

Our local manufacturing capacity around stainless steel wire filler materials and round bars is critical in contributing to the build projects post  COVID-19 in South Africa. Stainless steel manufacturing will also contribute enormously to other infrastructure building projects.

What do you consider as the most exciting innovation/product developments happening in stainless steel right now and what sectors hold the  greatest potential for the use of stainless steel in the future?

As mentioned above the power generation sector in all its possible forms will require stainless steel for cooling and water management, and believe will be the largest contributor. Water desalination is also a future that holds huge excitement and potential for South Africa, and running water will become a commodity to be revered and looked after in years to come. Rail transport too is very exciting and will require stainless steel for  manufacturing, maintenance and repairs. Mining and agriculture will remain a realistic part of the South African economy and therefore remains an ongoing development.

Aerospace is also showing strength but is at this stage not a large contributor to the economy. However, I’m sure will increase over time. Lastly but  not least, South Africa infrastructure as mentioned above, due to our weather and proximity to the ocean, will always require stainless steel for  corrosion resistance, strength and decorative properties. What is exciting in South Africa is the companies and our abilities to adapt to our requirements, environments, and our creativity and resilience that continually shows. Stainless steel will consistently play its role therein.

Decarbonising energy generation through solar, wind and other new energy-efficient innovation creates new industry opportunities for the stainless steel sector. The rebuilding of South African water infrastructure of dams will continue to foster sector growth. Traditional rail build programmes, particularly across the continent will create an added pipeline of opportunity, and the use of stainless steel will increase as the discovery of other natural resources, such as gas continue to rise.