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- Sassda News – Push to boost Local Stainless Steel
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- Member News – Enhanced Training Programme
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The South African stainless steel industry has been at the forefront of innovation, providing solutions to various industrial challenges since the 1960s when the local sector began to grow in earnest. During the past 60 years, a wealth of industry knowledge, particularly in fabrication, has been accumulated. Retaining this knowledge is crucial for the industry’s continued growth, ensuring that South Africa remains a global leader and remains competitive in the international stage.
Recognising the importance of preserving this expertise, Sassda has taken on the responsibility of systematically collecting and packaging this information into valuable resources that will benefit the broader industry.
One of the biggest threats to retaining industry knowledge is the so-called “brain drain,” which occurs due to retirements and the passing of key Figures in the South African stainless steel sector. To address this, Sassda has initiated a process of engaging expert members to ensure that their knowledge remains accessible and well documented.
As part of this effort, Sassda is working to standardise existing literature and technical materials, with the goal of officially registering them with International Standard Book Numbers (ISBNs). An ISBN is a unique 13-digit identifier assigned to books, e-books, and other published materials, making it easier for publishers, booksellers, and readers to find and manage these resources.
Bespoke training initiatives
In tandem, Sassda is enhancing its existing courses with newly acquired industry insights and developing new training programs to enrich current educational offerings. For example, the issue of material and fabrication process traceability remains a challenge in the industry. Traceability begins when materials are delivered to a fabrication facility and continues through to the final delivery to the end user. Given its significance, Sassda has integrated this critical information into its Shop Floor Education Program, recognising that shop floor staff play a pivotal role in maintaining traceability throughout various processes.
Historically, the Sassda Shop Floor Education Program consisted of three modules. The first, a compulsory introduction, familiarised students with stainless steel, its various grades, and its applications. After completing this foundational module, students could choose between two additional modules: Handling Stainless Steel in the Warehouse or Fabrication with Stainless Steel.
A fresh focus
Now, Sassda has introduced a second compulsory module focused on Traceability during Stainless Steel Fabrication. In today’s competitive global market, traceability is an essential part of quality management systems and plays a critical role in executing world-class projects. Sassda believes this addition will provide significant value to its members and the broader industry.
Looking ahead, Sassda aims to consolidate this and other valuable industry knowledge into a comprehensive guideline for fabricating stainless steel for hygienic applications. This guideline will serve as a tool to help the local industry meet global fabrication standards while maintaining profitability and market leadership. Sassda firmly believes that enhancing education and industry knowledge will lead to more efficient and proper use of stainless steel.
Free training for members
To support this vision, Sassda maintains a policy of free training for its members, ensuring that membership fees are reinvested into the workforce and the broader industry. This initiative began in 2023, with Sassda reinvesting R230 000 in education programmes benefiting members, Government departments, and state-owned enterprises (SOEs). In 2024, this investment more than doubled to R500 000.
Through these initiatives, Sassda continues to strengthen the South African stainless steel industry, ensuring its sustainability and competitiveness for future generations.
To find out more about Sassda’s training initiatives please email mankabe@sassda.co.za