- Perspective – March 2025
- Market Intelligence
- State of the Stainless Nation
- Sassda News – Push to boost Local Stainless Steel
- NDE Advert
- Sassda News – Inaugural Root Cause Analysis Conference Africa 2025
- Professional Profile : Bradley Klassen
- Technical FAQ
- Fastenright Advert
- Member News
- Project with Potentials – South Africa
- Project with Potentials – Nambia
- Focus Feature
- Member News – Enhanced Training Programme
- Sassda News – Eastern Cape Golf Day
After the volatility of recent years, we have entered the new year with high hopes and a positive outlook.
Welcome to the first issue of Stainless Steel Magazine for 2025 - we trust it will be the engaging and informative read you have come to expect!
In this edition, we provide insights into the state of the stainless steel industry and share encouraging statistics showing a definitive increase in stainless steel consumption in South Africa during 2024. After a challenging post-Covid recovery period, our industry has returned to pre-pandemic levels and Sassda is optimistic that we can finally put this global upheaval behind us. Our industry has also proven its resilience, navigating persistent electricity challenges with resourcefulness and emerging leaner and more efficient.
However, as one challenge subsides, other risks loom over the South African steel sector. This time, the threat stems from the international stage, where factors such as: diminishing U.S. aid, the spectre of increased US import tariffs and uncertainty surrounding South Africa’s continued participation in AGOA, cast a shadow over the industry. To give credence to the importance of sustaining our sector during this crucial time, in this issue, we take a closer look at the risks of de-industrialisation and its potential impact on the country.
Investing in Skills and Industry Growth
Overall, Sassda remains committed to promoting the use of stainless steel and increasing local conversion by adding value to primary stainless steel products. Encouragingly, statistics show strong growth in local, value addition during 2024. We believe that Sassda has played a critical role in this success.
Our training initiatives also continue to drive industry awareness and encourage the more efficient use of stainless steel. In 2024, Sassda saw strong attendance in all its training courses and, through our Free Training for Members policy, invested approximately R500 000 in industry training - more than double the R230 000 invested in 2023. Recognising the growing demand for training, we are expanding our course offerings, which you can read more about in this edition.
On a personal note, the Passionate About Stainless feature continues to be a highlight of the magazine, shining a well-deserved spotlight on the dedicated professionals shaping the future of our industry and this edition is no exception.
With that, we wish everyone a successful 2025. Remember, Sassda is just a click away as we remain committed to our mission of always being here to support you with all things stainless!
Michel Basson, Sassda Executive Director