Business Excellence Winner

Relentless focus on customer value drives innovation, sustainability & resilience

ND Engineering’s triumph in the 2024 Sassda & Columbus Stainless Awards business excellence category can be attributed to its relentless focus on the fundamental question: “What value are we creating for our customers?” This approach drives every aspect of the company’s operations from
system design and process improvement to resource allocation.

ND Engineering MD Elvis Green says this philosophy ensures the company not only remains competitive but also relevant in a rapidly evolving industry. “Our aspirational vision to be the benchmark in our industry drives us to continually assess and refine our operations. By focusing on customer value, we invest in employee development, quality, innovation and initiatives that enhance operational efficiency.”

This strategic focus is not static; it requires continuous evaluation and adaptation to keep a competitive edge. Green acknowledges that the stainless steel industry is highly competitive with access to similar technologies and best practices for all players. However, ND Engineering is differentiated by deeply understanding customer needs and using its entire value chain to meet demands.

“Our resilience is a result of our institutional adaptability. This adaptability, promoted through long-term investments, culminates in a competitive edge that needs continued assessment and, where necessary, adjustments,” Green notes.

Innovation and sustainability as core differentiators

In an industry where differentiation is challenging due to widespread availability of similar technologies and systems, ND Engineering has carved out a niche by focusing on innovation and sustainability.

The company adopts a systems view to satisfy customer needs, emphasising the importance of leveraging skills and technologies within its value chain. By promoting win-win relationships with stakeholders, it creates an ecosystem that understands and strives for excellence.

Sustainability also plays a crucial role in ND Engineering’s operations. Green explains: “Sustainability is not just about avoiding tangible pollutants; it’s about reducing waste throughout the manufacturing process and adopting environmentally responsible practices”.

The company has taken significant steps to reduce residual loss, supplement energy consumption with solar power and harvest and purify rainwater for use in its operations. These efforts not only reduce environmental impact but also ensure the long-term viability of the business. “Taking, making and wasting is an outdated way of doing business,” adds Green. “We’ve worked diligently to evolve beyond this model, ensuring that sustainability is at the heart of everything we do.”

Navigating economic challenges with resilience

The past few years have posed numerous challenges for businesses worldwide and the stainless steel industry is no exception. However, ND Engineering has successfully navigated these turbulent times by staying true to its core principles of resilience and adaptability.

Green attributes this success to the company’s diverse and inclusive team, which plays a crucial role in effective decision-making. “We are blessed to have a diverse team that feels free to openly contribute ideas and views. This broad perspective enables effective decision-making based on valuable information.”

The company’s diverse portfolio of customers across multiple industrial sectors has also been a key factor in its resilience. This diversity allows ND Engineering to pivot its focus to sectors that are performing well, ensuring sustained business growth even during economic downturns. Looking to the future, Green is optimistic about the company’s prospects.

He highlights the importance of prudent resource management, which has enabled ND Engineering to invest in its people and facilities, positioning the company to capitalise on new opportunities. “Through the prudent management of resources, we have been able to develop our people and facilities so that new opportunities can be pursued.”

One of the significant milestones achieved by ND Engineering is its certification as an ASME U-Stamp accredited organisation, which opens new avenues for growth and expansion in the global market.

The power of people and collaboration

At the heart of ND Engineering’s success is its people. The company’s motto, “Our people are what make us special”, reflects its culture of inclusivity and collaboration. Green believes every employee and department is integral to the company’s success and this philosophy extends across the entire value chain. “Collaboration is critical and a key expectation of all employees,” he asserts.

ND Engineering has also been a pioneer in promoting gender diversity within the traditionally male-dominated engineering industry. The company’s long-term programme to attract and train more women in the field has yielded outstanding results with women shining in trades such as welding, boiler-making and mechanical fitting. Green proudly states: “We have nurtured a new culture of trust and support for our ladies, and they are excelling in their fields”.

For aspiring professionals in the stainless steel industry, Green offers simple yet profound advice: focus on the basics of your craft, stay abreast of technological developments and build a network of reliable people and organisations. He cautions against complacency: “Many companies that were too big or good to fail did fail. There is no time to rest on past achievements”.