- Perspective – November 2024
- Member News – Laser Welding Workshop
- Member News – SARS & Sassda Training Session
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- State of the Stainless Steel Nation
- NDE Advertorial
- Spotlight Series Feature – Nocwaka Ntshangase
- Spotlight Series Feature – Confidence Lekoane
- Spotlight Series Feature – Fiona Jacobs
- Spotlight Series Feature – Tholwana Mogowane
- New Member Profile – Multi Business Division
- New Member Profile – Lumax Energy
- Professional Profile – Daniel Beukes
- Case Study – Stainless Steel Grade Selection
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- Sassda News
SARS and Stainless Steel Industry Strengthen Ties in Successful Training Session
In a ground breaking step towards enhancing collaboration between the stainless steel industry and the South African Revenue Service (SARS), Sassda has participated in a highly successful Metals Specialist Factory training session hosted by the South African Iron and Steel Institute (SAISI).
The event, held at the IST offices in Pretoria West, aimed at addressing technical and operational challenges that industries face when dealing with SARS.
This exclusive training session, approved by SARS and the SARS Institute of Learning (SIOL), brought together industry representatives and SARS officials to highlight critical issues through the presentation of real-world case studies. The focus was on resolving problems within the scope of each participant’s expertise, covering concerns such as imports, duties, testing, and documentation procedures.
Industry and SARS collaboration on display
The session offered a platform for Sassda members to present their challenges directly to SARS officials. The goal was to offer practical insights that could be applied in the field to improve daily operations and compliance. During the session, Sassda members outlined various difficulties they had encountered in their dealings with SARS, ranging from delays in import clearances to issues around duty classifications. While immediate solutions were not expected, the discussions marked a crucial step in bringing these issues to the forefront for action by SARS.
A positive step forward for the stainless-steel industry
Sassda Market Intelligence Specialist Tebogo Nkwe emphasised the significance of this event for the stainless steel industry. Speaking after the session, she commented, “This training session has provided an invaluable platform for our members to address some of the pressing issues with SARS. By presenting actual case studies and engaging directly with the SARS team, we are confident that these discussions will lead to long-term improvements. Our members are committed to contributing constructively to help SARS implement practical solutions that will benefit both sides.”
Nkwe’s statement reflects the optimism shared by many attendees, who see this collaboration as a pivotal moment in refining the processes governing importation, customs duties, and other compliance-related matters.
Next steps
The feedback from Sassda members and SARS officials alike was overwhelmingly positive, with both sides acknowledging the need for continued engagement. As part of the ongoing effort, SARS officials have committed to reviewing the issues raised and incorporating the insights shared during the session into their operational framework.
Nkwe added, “The stainless-steel industry plays a vital role in our economy, and having this level of engagement with SARS is a major step forward. We look forward to working closely with SARS in the future to ensure smoother processes and a more efficient working relationship.”
For further details or inquiries, please contact Tebogo@sassda.co.za or call (011) 883-0119