Advertorial : Macsteel Business Transformation focus delivers Independent Ownership

Macsteel has launched the third of its independently owned Macsteel Express franchise partnerships in Nelspruit. Macsteel launched the first of its two Franchise partner concept outlets in February this year in Klerksdorp and Welkom. Mike Benfield, Macsteel CEO said, “We recognised the need for transformation and understand that transformation today focuses on the need to generate new value—to unlock new opportunities, to drive new growth and to deliver new efficiencies for our clients.” “The economic climate has dictated the necessity for business transformation to ensure one remains competitive. It required us to rethink how our business creates value, not only today but, in the future, and as such has necessitated us to think big. Incremental improvement is not enough to win in today’s exponentially disrupted business
environment. Macsteel requires sustained growth in the face of constant disruption, and sustained growth requires agile reinvention. It’s not enough to win today, we have to be able to continue to evolve in the future and ensure that Macsteel remains competitive and sustainable for another 116 years,” concludes Benfield.

The franchising-partnering concept is a shift in Macsteel’s business model, driving consolidation and centralisation of functions within the business aimed at ensuring the sustainability of its services to customers in regions around the country. It was this that led Macsteel to consider the option of
independent ownership of certain Macsteel Branches.