Export Achievement Runner Up

Stainless Steel precision fuels global energy breakthrough

ND Engineering has secured the runner-up position in the export achievement category of the 2024 Sassda & Columbus Stainless Awards, thanks to its significant role in advancing global energy-saving technologies. The company’s expertise in fabricating complex stainless steel components has earned it a distinguished reputation, particularly in supplying OEM parts to Europe.

The company’s global recognition grew when a sheikh and his management team visited South Africa to discuss energy reduction strategies with the Industrial Development Corporation and a local sugar company. The sheikh’s ambitious plan, part of Al Khaleej Sugar’s energy-saving technology development programme, is aiming to achieve carbon neutrality within the next decade. This led to a pivotal opportunity for ND Engineering to contribute to a ground-breaking project involving the development of seven calandrias – critical components in the world-first energy-saving device.

Central to the project’s success was the use of 316L stainless steel in the fabrication of the calandrias. This material was chosen for its superior resistance to corrosion, especially in high-temperature and high-pressure environments, typical in steam heat exchangers. The durability and longevity of 316L stainless steel were crucial in meeting the demanding specifications of the project, ensuring the components would perform reliably in the challenging conditions of the energy-saving system.

Each calandria, measuring 6 630mm in diameter and 3 050mm in height, featured 2 646 tubes – all constructed from the high-grade stainless steel. These components are the largest of their kind ever built. Given the massive dimensions, on-site assembly was necessary as shipping fully assembled units would have been economically unfeasible.

ND Engineering faced significant challenges in fabricating the donut-shaped tube sheets – the largest the company ever produced. With tube ligaments of just 4.5mm, there was no margin for error in drilling 2 646 holes in each tube sheet. The company invested heavily in CNC drilling technology to meet tight production deadlines.

The calandrias were meticulously crafted to ensure optimal performance and wrapped in plastic to prevent contamination during their journey to Dubai. ND Engineering’s success in overcoming the logistical challenges underscores its status as a leader in precision engineering and global exports.