• Sassda lobbies for the re-opening of the stainless steel industry

    28 April 2020 A hallmark of the ‘Age of COVID-19’ is the speed of a rapidly evolving business scenario with companies and associations having to re-evaluate and respond on an almost daily basis made all the more complicated by an onslaught of multiple moving targets. One of the best examples of how Sassda has revved […]

  • Times are tough but so are we..

    Following President Ramaphosa’s announcement of a total lockdown to be implemented on Thursday, 26 March we would like to reassure our members that despite these uncertain times, Sassda will continue to operate as normal – albeit from home based-locations to ensure we comply with the regulations stipulated by government. We realise the stress associated with […]

  • SASSDA TAKES A STAND AGAINST COVID-19 Strength in Stainless

    Established in 1964, Sassda remains one of the most active stainless steel industry associations in the world involved in increasing the awareness and use of stainless steel in Southern Africa. With the recent and sudden arrival of the COVID-19 disease which has spread rapidly around the globe, Sassda remains committed to supporting our members, staff, […]

  • Stainless steel growth unlikely in 2020

    The level of activity in the local stainless steel sector’s value chain has dwindled in the past decade, mainly owing to international competition, low steel prices and the slow growth of the local economy. Therefore, steel industry body the Southern Africa Stainless Steel Development Association (Sassda) does not expect 2020 to be a year of […]

  • The State of the Stainless Nation #2020 Vision

    Predicting anything positive for the stainless steel industry in terms of market growth in 2020 would be risky and remains in the ‘Daily Lotto’ realm when looking at current economic forecasts. Against this backdrop, Sassda Acting Executive Director Michel Basson takes a look at past and present performance and where there are slivers of potential […]

  • Outward Trade & Investment Mission to Maputo, Republic of Mozambique

      24-30 November 2019 Executive Summary Cessation of conflict between Renamo and Frelimo was agreed on the 1st of August 2019, and the peace agreement between the two parties was signed on the 6th of August 2019; On the 18th of September 2019 Anadarko/Total made the official decision to go ahead with the exploration of […]

  • Mozambique’s $128-billion Gas Project could be a Lifeline for SA Stainless

    What is described as the largest project ever undertaken in Africa, the US$128-Billion Mozambique LNG Gas Project, which holds excellent potential for SA stainless steel supply, has shifted into first gear in the last month with the offshore portion of the project having been given the green light in early October (estimated completion 2025). This […]

  • The Global and Local Stainless Steel Primary Product Market

    INTRODUCTION For the last few years the South African stainless steel industry has been going through an enormously challenging time. The stainless steel industry is highly cyclical in nature with downturns often being self-perpetuating. We have compiled this report to understand the evolution the South African stainless steel industry over the last 50 years and […]

  • Sassda in transition, creates new membership structure

    Owing to the varied benefits which companies obtain as members of the Southern Africa Stainless Steel Development Association (Sassda), the association has created a tiered membership structure. “Sassda is in a transitionary phase of its history, stemming from the realisation that members obtain different benefits and value from membership. “This has led to the new […]

  • Sassda Provides Vital Springboard to Zambian Stainless Entrepreneur

    The ability of Sassda to boost entrepreneurial development in the African stainless steel market is clearly illustrated by the success of Zambian Inventor Arnold Nyendwa who as a result of his win at the 2018 Sassda Columbus Stainless Awards, is now poised to open his first production facility thanks to a R1.4-million grant from the […]

  • SA’S Oil & Gas Discovery – Huge Potential or Major Hype?

    As South Africans woke up to petrol costing them a whopping 76c/l more yesterday, Sassda Western Cape Regional Manager Michel Basson investigates the significance of the discovery of a ‘multi-million barrel’ oil field off the Western Cape Coast and whether it has any real potential to alleviate our reliance on imported fuel or the potential […]